10 Commandments of Shooting

  • Never pull the trigger unless you are absolutely sure of your target.
  • Never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot.
  • Never leave your gun unattended unless you unload it first.
  • Never climb tree or fence with a loaded gun.
  • Never shoot at a flat and hard surface or at any water surface.
  • Do not mix gun-powder with alcohol.
  • Affiliation

    issf-logo-resize-5percent  ocm-logo-resize-6percent  commonwealth-games-federation-resize-28percent  asean shooting logo-resize-1percent  seasa-resize-2percent  kbs-logo-resize-19percent  msn-logo-resize-41percent  logo-kdn-mb-5percent pdrm-logo-resize-5percent  ATMlogo

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    Tentang Kami

    Persatuan Menembak Kebangsaan Malaysia adalah salah satu daripada persatuan sukan yang paling aktif di negara ini. Ia satu-satunya persatuan sukan di negara ini yang menganjurkan banyak kejohanan peringkat kebangsaan setiap tahun.

    Ikuti Kami

